Public Sector Network Tender Alert


Procurement for the provision of Life Planning services for NHS England South

NHS England seeks to commission a provider of Life Planning services to meet the planning requirements for people with a learning disability and/or autistic spectrum conditions currently in secure hospital placements or children's Mental Health units. The service will deliver circa 100 life plans over an 18 month period. NHS England South seek tender responses from providers who have the capability and capacity to undertake such a contract. This procurement is being carried out by NHS South, Central & West Commissioning Support Unit (SCWCSU) on behalf of the Commissioner. The Commissioner will be contracting for the Services using the National NHS Standard Contract (short form). Contracts will be for a term of 18 months and services are planned to commence from September 2017. The value of the service will be £250,000 over 18 months. At the commissioner's discretion, the contract may be extended for up to 18 months. Any life plans undertaken during this extension period will be by agreement with the commissioner and remuneration will be determined by the commissioner nearer the time. Life planning is a person centred, strengths based form of planning that is especially suited to helping commissioners and providers understand and engage with people who have complex lives and needs and who have previously challenged services. The methodology is detailed and requires a significant commitment of time and energy to develop a high quality plan that is owned by all participants, but primarily the person and their family. The key to understanding this approach is to comprehend and accept the underpinning values and principles that drive the process. Much of the process derives from a highly person centred citizenship based understanding of people's lives. This was effectively described in Keys to Citizenship by Dr Simon Duffy, published in 2003. The Keys to Citizenship are described under 7 headings: 1. Purpose - we live a life of meaning 2. Freedom - we can pursue our purpose 3. Money - we have the means to pursue our goals 4. Home - we can belong in community, but also protect our privacy 5. Help - we can offer others opportunity 6. Life - we can contribute in our own way 7. Love - we can build relationships and new life NHS England seek responses from those with skills and experience in the provision of Life Planning services. Interested parties are invited to take part in an Invitation To Tender (ITT) process, based on the Open procedure, and designed to identify the Most Economically Advantageous Tender and therefore determine the incoming provider. Further information in the additional text section.


Phil Fear
South Plaza
Marlborough Street

Contract value: 250000-500000

Published: 6 Jun 2017, Receipt by: 5 Jul 2017