Public Sector Network Recent Tender Alerts


This is a compiled list of recent Public Sector tenders from sources that we are constantly monitoring.

T1075 - Event Triggered Data Collection

The University is seeking a bidder for additional data collection between waves of our existing panel study, Understanding Society, the UK Household Longitudinal Study.

Ref: DN2642


Aston Baker

Contract value: 0

Published: 24 Jul 2024, Receipt by: 6 Sep 2024

SPS-02206 Scottish Court Custody and Prisoner Escort Service (Re-tender)

The Scottish Prison Service (SPS) is the ‘lead’ authority in terms of managing the Scottish Court Custody and Prisoner Escort Service (SCCPES) contract on behalf of the Scottish Government, led by the Criminal Justice Partners (including the Scottish Courts and Tribunals Service, Crown Office and Procurator Fiscal Services and Police Scotland). SPS will be seeking a service provider to deliver the full requirements of the SCCPES contract which covers all prisoner escorts in Scotland, including court movements, police custody unit movements, hospital appointments, inter-prison transfers, community work placements and transportation for home leave, together with court custody operations. In addition, there are a number of secure movements from police stations and prisons elsewhere in the UK to Scotland and vice versa. The service provider will also provide hospital watch escorts for those prisoners admitted to hospital. In 2023/24 there were approximately 37,000 secure and community movements transporting over 125,000 individuals under the contract. In addition, the service provider will require to have robust data collection systems and reporting tools to support the delivery of the contract and to measure performance.

Ref: SPS-02206


Contract value: 0

Published: 24 Jul 2024, Receipt by: 23 Jan 2025


Provision of Secondary Care Dental Services

This document is an initial Expression of Interest (EOI) to determine the capacity & availability of providers, to meet specific requirements of Health Boards for Outsourcing services. The purpose is to provide sufficient information, in an auditable and open manner, to enable providers to gauge whether or not they have the capacity to meet the specific requirement prior to being invited to submit a more detailed proposal.

Ref: ocds-h6vhtk-0483fa


Contract value: 0

Published: 24 Jul 2024, Receipt by: 19 Aug 2024

Library Services Platform(s) and Associated Services

Framework for Library Services Platform(s) and Associated Services for Universities and Colleges in Scotland including provision of all software and any associated licensing. Potential Services include, but are not limited to: System Implementation; Migration Support; Support and Maintenance; Hosting. Required solutions should have the capability to operate effectively across multi-campus environments. The framework agreement includes: Lot1 - Library Services Platform(s) and Lot2 - Resource and Reading List Management Systems. The agreement will be open to the members of Advanced Procurement for Universities and Colleges (APUC Limited) and other UK procurement consortia as listed further below.

Ref: ITS1062 AP


Contract value: 0

Published: 24 Jul 2024, Receipt by: 3 Sep 2024


Health Determinants Research Collaboration (HDRC) - Learning and Evaluation Partner

Portsmouth City Council ('the council') is inviting tenders from suitably qualified suppliers to provide expert evaluation partner services for their Health Determinants Research Collaboration (HDRC) project. The Council is looking to commission a learning and evaluation partner to work with us to design and deliver an evaluation of our HDRC. We have described the type of evaluation approach that we are looking for in our Business Plan, that formed part of our successful bid for funding (the bid document can be found in appendix 3 of the tender document set). We do not have a prescribed evaluation model and expect bidders to describe how and why their proposed approach meets our goals. Please refer to the specification in the Invitation To Tender for more details. The estimated value of the contract is £300,000 over the lifetime of the contract. This value is fixed as this is a funded contract, the Council reserves the right to set aside any tender submission that comes in above this value. The contract term will be for 5 years with no extension options. Please note that the funder for this project does not automatically include inflation in annual uplifts. The expectation is therefore that bids should be for the full amount required to deliver the work over 5 years, inclusive of inflation. The council is targeting to have awarded contract by Tuesday 8th October 2024 to allow for contract commencement on Thursday 2nd January 2025. The procurement process will be undertaken in line with the following programme: - Issue FTS Contract Notice - Wednesday 24th July 2024 - Issue Invitation to Tender (ITT) - Wednesday 24th July 2024 - Tender Return Deadline - Friday 23rd August 2024, 14:00 - Award decision notified to tenderers - Friday 27th September 2024 - Standstill period - Saturday 28th September October to Monday 7th October 2024 - Contract Award - Tuesday 8th October 2024 - Contract Commencement - Thursday 2nd January 2025 Application is via completed tender submission by the deadline stated above via the Council's e-sourcing system InTend which will be used to administrate the procurement process, the system can be accessed free of charge via the web link below:

Ref: ocds-h6vhtk-0483ff


Procurement Service

Contract value: 0

Published: 24 Jul 2024, Receipt by: 23 Aug 2024

Community COVID Vaccinations, Fixed Sites, EoE Wave2- Suffolk & North East Essex

Suppliers to provide community based Covid 19 vaccination services for postcodes within the East of England, Suffolk & North East Essex region. There are 28 Lots on offer, within the Wave 2 fixed site procurement. Within a Lot, more than one contract may be awarded depending on the capacity that Potential Suppliers are able to offer, and the level of capacity required for that Lot.
The number of vaccines to be delivered will be determined by patient choice where suppliers will be paid £7.54 per vaccine given.

Ref: ocds-h6vhtk-048401


Janice Brodie

Contract value: 0

Published: 24 Jul 2024, Receipt by: 7 Aug 2024

Printing Services for the IWM Range of Guidebooks

IWM is tendering for a supplier to print the full range of the official IWM guidebooks for all five museums and three children’s guidebooks. The guidebooks will be available for purchase all of IWM admissions desks and gift shops across five sites. Each guidebook version is the same specification and pagination, but artwork will be different for each version. Each version will be produced as a separate order, however if schedules allow, we will batch more than one version together for production.

Ref: ocds-h6vhtk-048402


Lizzie Rowberry

Contract value: 0

Published: 24 Jul 2024, Receipt by: 23 Aug 2024

ID 5104218 DoF - UREGNI - MMU IT Support

The Northern Ireland Authority for Utility Regulation (Utility Regulator, also referred to as UR) is a non-ministerial government department responsible for regulating the electricity, gas, water and sewerage industries in Northern Ireland. The Market Monitoring Unit (MMU) within the Wholesale Markets Directorate of the UR has a key responsibility of monitoring SEM operations on the island of Ireland including the analysis of the market fundamentals that drive the market along with market participant behaviour. The UR wishes to appoint a Supplier, to provide support in the population and maintenance of the database (ownership of which is with and will remain with UR). See ID 5104218 Schedule 2 Specification document for further information.

Ref: ID 5104218


Contract value: 0

Published: 24 Jul 2024, Receipt by: 27 Aug 2024

Weelsby Hall Heritage Project Officer

Linkage is seeking to appoint a Project Officer to support the project team in delivering the project and overseeing the project's relationship with the National Lottery Heritage Fund, and any other supporting funders as required, to deliver a scheme of repair, refurbishment and renovation works for Linkage's Weelsby Hall site in Grimsby, North East Lincolnshire.

Ref: ocds-h6vhtk-048408


Valerie Waby

Contract value: 0

Published: 24 Jul 2024, Receipt by: 30 Aug 2024

Engagement Event - Adults Mental Health - (Lot 3 Psychological Informed Interventions)

NHS Midlands and Lancashire Commissioning Support Unit (MLCSU) is working on behalf of NHS Lancashire & South Cumbria Integrated Care Board (ICB) who are looking to undertake a multi-lot Competitive Process for the provision of Adult Mental Health Services (Psychological Informed Interventions). The ICB would like to invite all potential providers to an Engagement Event Tuesday 6th August 2024 11:00am-12:00pm via Microsoft Teams. As part of the Community Mental Health Transformation programme, NHS Lancashire & South Cumbria ICB are looking to commission psychologically informed interventions which integrate medical, biological and psychological perspectives for the benefit of delivering holistic care to people with Complex Emotional Needs (CEN). These interventions form part of an integrated community delivery model designed to provide individuals with the right care, at the right time, in the right place. The purpose of the Engagement Event is to share the aims of the service being procured and to demonstrate how the activity information should be submitted as part of the tender, by bidding organisations. Interested providers can register their interest on the Atamis Portal and answer the short questionnaire in project C295359 'Engagement Event Adults MH Lot 3 Psychological Informed Interventions'. The deadline for submitting interest is Friday 2nd August 2024 12:00pm. Providers who have registered an interest will then be sent the link to the engagement event before the event starts on Tuesday 6th August 2024 (11:00am). Should providers have any queries, or have any problems using the portal, they should contact the Helpdesk at: Phone: 0800 9956035 E-mail: Following the event, the Competitive Process for this opportunity will be advertised on Find a Tender in due course.

Ref: ocds-h6vhtk-04840a


Contract value: 0

Published: 24 Jul 2024, Receipt by: 9 Aug 2024

Supply of Green Plastic Recycle Bags

Single Use Green plastic bags for residents' recyclable waste

Ref: ocds-h6vhtk-04840c



Contract value: 0

Published: 24 Jul 2024, Receipt by: 23 Aug 2024

Community fire alarm upgrades

WVT are looking for a supplier to upgrade the existing fire alarm system at the 3 Community Hospital sites, Leominster, Bromyard, Ross On Wye.

Ref: C298198


David Wheatley

Contract value: 0

Published: 24 Jul 2024, Receipt by: 23 Aug 2024

A Cloud-Hosted Social Media & Community Engagement Management System

This is an invitation to submit a proposal to enter into a contract for a CLOUD-HOSTED SOCIAL MEDIA & COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT MANAGEMENT

Ref: AU23/38


Contract value: 0

Published: 24 Jul 2024, Receipt by: 3 Sep 2024


Supply of the 40mm High and Low Velocity Grenade Support Solution

Ref: DGM/1984


Tom Baker

Contract value: 0

Published: 24 Jul 2024, Receipt by: 3 Sep 2024

HR Service Solution, Payroll Management and Finance & Accounting

This Prior Information Notice (PIN) is to advise, and engage, the market of a forthcoming opportunity from HealthTrust Europe for the provision of a Framework Agreement for HR Service Solutions, Payroll Management and Finance & Accounting; with the desired outcome of addressing productivity and efficiency challenges within the public sector. This PIN is not a call for competition but a notice to inform the market of the intent to procure and invite interested suppliers to partake in pre-market engagement. The pre-market engagement will cover the full range of back-office services for the public sector. We are seeking suppliers who can provide services that enhances the efficiency, covering but not limited to, a single service or range of back-office services. We are currently intending to divide into several specialisms including but not limited to: payroll management services, human resources management, finance & accounting, procurement services and procure-to-pay (P2P). Suppliers are able to provide one or multiple specialisms under the agreement. Interested Suppliers MUST express their interest in attending the event by emailing ( by 5th August 2024, with the event to take place on Wednesday 7th August 2024 via Microsoft Teams, where further details of the opportunity will be provided. Suppliers can submit questions no later than the 5th August, with the aim of HTE responding within the event.

Ref: ocds-h6vhtk-04841a


Joseph Okhihan

Contract value: 0

Published: 24 Jul 2024, Receipt by: 19 Sep 2024

ID 5242718 - DAERA - CAFRE - CAFRE Provision of Bus Hire

Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs have a requirement for the provision of buses to CAFRE. This requirement is divided into 3 Lots; one Lot for each college campus as follows:- • Lot 1 - Greenmount Campus, 45 Tirgracy Road, Muckamore, Antrim, County Antrim, BT41 4PS • Lot 2 - Loughry Campus, 76 Dungannon Road, Cookstown, County Tyrone, BT80 9AA • Lot 3 - Enniskillen Campus, Levaghy, Enniskillen, County Fermanagh, BT74 4GF The Contract will remain in place for an initial period of 3 years with two optional extension periods of 12 months each

Ref: ID 5242718


Contract value: 0

Published: 24 Jul 2024, Receipt by: 27 Aug 2024

CEFAS24-49 Contract for provision of interpretation and translation services in relation to Senegal, under the Ocean Country Partnership Programme (OCPP).

Contract for provision of interpretation and translation services in relation to Senegal, under the Ocean Country Partnership Programme (OCPP).

Ref: ocds-h6vhtk-04842e


Holly Power

Contract value: 0

Published: 24 Jul 2024, Receipt by: 26 Aug 2024

P-3051 Supply of Heavy Duty Electric Vehicle Charging Solutions

Translink are seeking to establish a Single Supplier Framework aimed at delivering a cost effective and agile means to supply heavy duty electric vehicle chargers and back-end software management primarily to charge public transport vehicles. Your response must be submitted via the relevant Call for Tender (CfT) on the eTendersNI portal. Instructions on how to submit your response can be found within the Interactive Walkthrough on the eTendersNI Homepage. No other method of submission will be accepted.

Ref: ocds-h6vhtk-04842f


Contract value: 0

Published: 24 Jul 2024, Receipt by: 26 Aug 2024

Two Year Fixed Period Contract GFX Services

Applications are invited from experienced and innovative post-production & creative edit houses in order to fulfil graphics and creative services for BBC ALBA’s linear schedule and digital platforms. We seek a partner capable of delivering high-quality, accurate, engaging, and cohesive materials that align with our brand vision and marketing objectives. The contract will begin on 1st October 2024.

Ref: ocds-h6vhtk-048433


Contract value: 0

Published: 24 Jul 2024, Receipt by: 23 Aug 2024


Integrated Health and Wellness Service

Slough Borough Council are looking to tender an Integrated Health and Wellness service in Slough as per the service specification which will include:Triage ServicesSmoking CessationBrief Advice for Alcohol ConsumptionCommunity NHS and Cardiovascular Health ChecksAdult Weight managementCommunity physical activity Falls PreventionCommunity Outreach and LiaisonBehaviour Change Assessment Healthy Lifestyle Support for people with long-term conditionsIf you are interested in this opportunity, please download read the guidance document and supporting appendices. Completed proposals need to be submitted via Intend by 23rd August 2024 at 12noon

Ref: SBC - 037893


Contract value: 0

Published: 24 Jul 2024, Receipt by: 23 Aug 2024