Public Sector Network Tender Alert


Programme to promote the understanding and managing of risk in school-aged children

Leicestershire County Council Public Health Department is looking to tender for a new programme in Leicestershire to promote the understanding and managing of risk in school-aged children. Based on national guidance, the programme is to provide a whole-school approach to understanding and managing risk taking behaviour amongst children and young people in Leicestershire by helping them to develop life skills so that they can build resilience to harmful risk taking behaviour, in relation to tobacco, substance misuse, and sexual health. We propose to do this by building on opportunities and support in schools to develop the resources, skills and strengths of children and young people. The programme will be delivered within the broader context of the Leicestershire Healthy Schools Programme. This programme will link with the Promoting Resilience programme, which is part of the local Future in Mind children and young people mental health and wellbeing transformation programme. The anticipated value of the Requirements is approximately £100,000 per annum. For the total maximum period of the contract, including all optional extensions, the anticipated value of the Requirements is approximately £200,000. The Council proposes to enter into one Contract for a maximum period of 1 year, with the option to extend for up to a further period(s) totalling 12 months.


Sophie Bower-Scott
County Hall
+44 1163052048

Contract value: 200000-200000

Published: 6 Jun 2017, Receipt by: 6 Jul 2017