Public Sector Network Tender Alert


Chichester District Council - To undertake visitor interviews at ten locations in the Solent Special Protection Areas

This tender is being issued by Chichester District Council on behalf of the Solent Recreation Mitigation Partnership, to undertake visitor interviews at ten locations in the Solent Special Protection Areas. New housing which is planned around the Solent will result in additional recreational activity at the coast which, without mitigation measures, would lead to additional disturbance to coastal birds within the Solent Special Protection Areas. Implementation of mitigation measures is underway. The effectiveness of those mitigation measures is to be monitored by collecting a range of data. This Invitation to Tender is for the undertaking of visitor surveys at 10 locations within the SPAs. The data collection will be undertaken at locations on the Solent coast including the northern shore of the Isle of Wight.


Rebecca Gooda (ADC/CDC)
1 East Pallant
West Sussex
PO19 1TY
United Kingdom
01903 737726

Contract value:

Published: 7 Jun 2017, Receipt by: 5 Jul 2017