Public Sector Network Tender Alert


Bluelight Hub Construction

Buckinghamshire & Milton Keynes Fire Authority approved a proposal to construct a new state of the art Fire, Ambulance and Police Emergency Services Hub at the West Ashlands site in Buckinghamshire. The construction will consist of a modern day office block with vehicle operating bays and specialised training facilities. The project will be a two stage project adopting the Develop and Construct approach. The design element of this project has been completed prior to commencing this process. The project will be governed by the JCT 2011 Prime Cost Building Contract conditions as amended. The contract target price value is ?10.3m PROJECT STAGE ONE: OJEU Tender Process to Appoint Main Contractor Project Stage One: requires the completion of a Restricted OJEU tender process to appoint a Main Contractor, based on a quality assessment, together with the cost of preliminaries, overhead and profit. The tender process will be carried out in two stages in accordance with the OJEU Restricted process for works contracts as follows: 1. PQQ - PAS91 shortlisting stage 2. ITT - Invitation To Tender for shortlisted bidders This will be an electronic procurement process carried out within the In Tend e-procurement portal. Potential tenderers will need to register expressions of interest on the In Tend portal to participate in this process, (see below for link) Key dates to note for Project Stage One OJEU Tender process as follows: o Prospective Bidders Supplier Day: 16th June 2017 o Deadline for PQQ Returns: 10 July 2017 o Shortlisted Tenderers Invited to participate in ITT : 20 July 2017 o Shortlisted Tenderers deadline for ITT Returns: 31 August 2017 On completion of the above OJEU tender process a Main Contractor will be appointed to deliver Project Stage Two: Construction Stage. PROJECT STAGE TWO: Construction Stage - Collaborative Process to Deliver Target Work Packages Project Stage Two: requires the Main Contractor to work in partnership with the Client, Professional Design Team to deliver the project in accordance with the Target Price Work Book. This partnership approach will operate according to the following strategy: Construction Process Summary: 1. Completion of Project Stage One OJEU Tender Prelims process 2. Contractors tendering of Target Price Work Packages - (once successful main contractor appointed this process starts) 3. Authorisation/Sign Off by Client for 'proceed to construct' 4. A minimum of 70% of the Target Price Work Packages must be tendered and authorised before commencement of 'proceed to construct' 5. Construction Further information about this project will be provided at the Prospective Bidders Supplier Day, 16 June 2017, and attendance is recommended. Further details of this event will be provided on receipt of registering expression of interest on the e-procurement portal...


Ronda Smith
HP20 1BD
United Kingdom
01296 744400

Contract value: 10300000-10300000

Published: 9 Jun 2017, Receipt by: 7 Jul 2017