Public Sector Network Tender Alert


Provision of Integrated Children's Community Health Services for Medway

Medway Council and NHS Medway CCG are seeking to recommission Community Children's Health Services. This procurement is an innovative and progressive integration of a host of child health services across Medway jointly commissioned by Medway Council and NHS Medway CCG. In Medway, we believe that community children's health services should focus on supporting children and families to achieve the outcomes that are most important to them. We are aiming to build a modern and responsive system of children's community health services that retains families at the centre of interventions, that links well across health and social care disciplines as well as the wider children's workforce, and a service where practitioners are enabled and empowered to respond to individual needs. The commissioning work covers a wide range of existing services as well some areas of new development where we know there are gaps in service. We are looking forward to working with providers to see how some of our main universal and more specialist children's health services can be better integrated, ensuring that future services are more able to meet the needs of children and families in Medway. The current children's community health services that are included in this commissioning process are: Children's Community Nursing Service Community Nursing Team for Children and Young People with Learning Disabilities Special School Nursing Service Continence Services Looked After Children's Health Services Children's Nutrition and Dietetics Children's Occupational Therapy Children's Musculoskeletal Physiotherapy Children's Neurological Physiotherapy Speech and Language Therapy for pre school children Speech and Language for school age children Paediatric Outpatient Services Special Needs Nursery Service Health Visiting School Nursing National Child Measurement Programme Oral Health Promotion Infant Feeding Network and co-ordination Specialist Audiological Assessment and Management Complex Children's Podiatry Children's Orthotics Tongue Tie Removal Service NHS Medway CCG and Medway Council are undertaking a single commissioning process and procurement exercise, offering two distinct lots of services but underpinned by joint outcomes, values and pathways: Lot 1: Healthy Child Programme - this will be for universal public health services and funded primarily by Medway Council and the Public Health Grant Lot 2: Specialist Community Health Services - this consists of more specialist community children's health services including children's therapies and children's community nursing, and is funded by NHS Medway CCG The commissioners will shortlist a number of providers to participate in the competitive dialogue process through the use of a Selection Questionnaire which is available for potential providers to download and complete.


James Welch
Medway Council
Gun Wharf, Dock Road
United Kingdom
+44 1634335550

Contract value: 50000000-50000000

Published: 18 Jan 2018, Receipt by: 29 Jun 2017