Public Sector Network Tender Alert


GSV1512-Provision of New Engineering Contract (NEC3) Training & Future NEC4 Training Requirements

The Houses of Parliament has a requirement to provide a range of suitable learning interventions at varying levels for the House of Commons and House of Lords staff (The House staff). This is mainly staff from Strategic Estates (Project Delivery Team [45 staff], Property, Planning & Design [15 staff], Strategic Programmes [20 staff] Parliamentary Maintenance Team [10 staff] Parliamentary Procurement & Commercial Services [10-12 staff]. Collaborative working through the adoption of the NEC3 suite of contracts, whilst beneficial often requires an organisational culture change for departments and contractors alike. We will be looking for providers who can help deliver the NEC4 suite when Parliament decides to adopt its use.


Parliamentary Procurement & Commercial Service
7 Millbank
United Kingdom

Contract value: 50000-100000

Published: 14 Jun 2017, Receipt by: 28 Jun 2017