Public Sector Network Tender Alert


Adult Community Health Services - Guildford and Waverley

NHS Guildford and Waverly Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) are inviting interested organisations to a pre-market engagement event where the CCG will highlight their aspirations for the provision of adult community health services. The vision for Guildford and Waverley integrated care is a whole system model of care. It reaches from upstream information and advice/support services through to sub-acute care in the community and the front door of the acute hospital as well as facilitated early or timely discharge from acute in-patient care The Commissioners are looking to engage with providers and the market in general who share our passion and commitment and who are dedicated to providing the very best choice, service and patient care standards. A key requirement will be the ability of the provider to partner with a wide range of organisations including general practices, voluntary and private sector providers and statutory organisations to successfully integrate care pathways between primary, secondary and community services. Provider(s) will be expected to work across the health and social care economy to deliver high quality and value for money services ensuring a seamless patient pathway. The provider(s) will be expected to move to a model of service delivery which is outcome-based, with a performance management framework referencing KPIs and benefits taken from across the integrated health and social care spectrum. Further details will be provided at a pre-market engagement event being held on the 13th June 2017, starting at 1.30pm until 3.00pm. The event will take place at: The Harbour Hotel, 3 Alexandra Terrace, Guildford GU1 3DA Potential bidders are warmly welcome to attend to listen to our procurement aspirations, vision of adult community services in Guildford and Waverley. Please could all interested parties R.S.V.P using the attached registration form.


Greg Reide
Halyard Court
31 Broadway
M50 2UW

Contract value:

Published: 31 May 2017, Receipt by: