Public Sector Network Tender Alert


Framework Contract Opportunity: Catering

Framework catering contract for The Big House programme for regular small scale business events incl breakfast, buffet lunches and light refreshments. Events will be at a range of venues across Derbys/Notts area, aimed at start-up, early stage and established businesses and entrepreneurs. The Big House is a 3-year, £5 million tailored support programme for the Creative and Digital Industries (CDI) sector in Nottingham, Nottinghamshire, Derby and Derbyshire. The programme is part-funded by a £2.5 million contribution from the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and from the Creative Local Growth Fund programme, funded by Arts Council England. The aim of The Big House is to help creative and digital businesses to grow and to support the creation of new jobs. Support on offer includes one-to-one advice, coaching, grants, peer-to-peer learning and business engagement events. The programme aims to support over 500 businesses with over £350,000 of grant funding, matched by private investment. CQ is one of The Big House delivery partners, along with the University of Derby, Nottingham Trent University - The Hive, New Art Exchange, Derby Theatre, Derby QUAD and NBV Enterprise Solutions. The Creative Quarter's element of The Big House is called Open Doors and offers an information, engagement and communications hub focused on CDI businesses and activity, across the D2N2 area (D2N2 is the local enterprise partnership for Derby, Derbyshire, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire). Open Doors is delivering the following elements of The Big House: • A range of support, including one-to-one intensive business coaching • Peer-to-peer learning and networking opportunities • Market place and trade fair events • Wide ranging business engagement events with creative, digital and technology experts


Diana Vernon
Unit 36, Avenue C, Sneinton Market
0115 7100 107

Contract value:

Published: 12 Jun 2017, Receipt by: 5 Jul 2017