Public Sector Network Tender Alert


NHS Dorset CCG Community Opthalmology Service

NHS Dorset Clinical Commissioning Group is seeking for commission from a suitable provider(s) a community ophthalmology for the patients of Dorset. The Dorset community ophthalmology service is part of a continuum of care built upon a multidisciplinary approach to support people with ophthalmic problems. The service will be provided to patients who are registered with practices within NHS Dorset CCG. The service will offer flexible appointment times, up to seven days a week and with evening appointments Monday to Friday (up to 7pm). The CCG envisages a single lead provider will deliver the community services that include the assessment, inclusion and exclusion criteria. Delivery of the service may be provided by GPwSI and optometry led service providers through joint contractual or sub-contractual arrangements with the lead commissioned provider. The combination of services provided will be geographically spread across Dorset to provide an equitable service to patients across the whole county to equitable access and treatment.


David Way
NHS Dorset Clinical Commissioning Group
Vespasian House, Barrack Road

Contract value: 1320000-1320000

Published: 1 Jun 2017, Receipt by: 28 Jun 2017