Public Sector Network Tender Alert


East Kent MRI AQP

Procurement of Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) service for NHS Canterbury and Coastal CCG and NHS Ashford CCG (together, the Commissioner). Provider(s) to deliver MRI service to support GP's with access to timely diagnostics to support patient management. Further details are in the service specification with accompanies this notice. The service is being commissioned using an Any Qualified Provider (AQP) approach. With this AQP approach all bidders who complete the accreditation process to (a) demonstrate capability and capacity to deliver the service and (b) accept the standard NHS contract terms and conditions and (c) accept the Commissioner's tariff price will become qualified providers. All qualified providers will be offered the standard NHS contract with the same terms, conditions, and price. The indicative contract value is an estimated total cost of the service rather than any individual contract value, as it will be spread across multiple providers. Individual contracts will have no guaranteed minimum level of activity and no restricted maximum level of activity. Each provider will be paid according to the actual activity level it delivers. The contract will be for an initial three-year term, with no extension. Details of how to register on ProContract and how to access the procurement can be found by following the link below.


Taofeeq Ladega
1st Floor, Cliftion House
75-77 Worship Street
+44 2038163549

Contract value: 1207449-1207449

Published: 1 Jun 2017, Receipt by: 23 Jun 2017