Public Sector Network Tender Alert


TC911 - The Provision, Erecting, Maintaining & Storage of Wooden Houses

Manchester Markets operate the Manchester Christmas Markets. Part of that operation includes the provision of wooden houses as sales premises to our traders. The houses come in a variety of styles and sizes, however, the majority are our standard unit of a 3m metre frontage by 2 metre depth houses, or multiples thereof, for example 6 metre frontage by 2 metre depth. The houses used for traders operating bars or selling food are designed specifically to fit a particular location and vary in size and design. Some have internal seating areas and/or location specific requirements for example to fit around trees. In some instances, the framework may also include various \"specials\" which are designed specifically to fit a particular location. These may incorporate internal seating areas or location specific features e.g. archways or structured to fit around existing trees. The Framework will be broken down into the following LOTS: Lot 1 - Rental of Wooden Houses (including Delivery, Erection, Dismantlement, Maintenance & Removal). Lot 2 - Outright Purchase, Erection, Dismantlement, Maintenance, Delivery and Storage of the Wooden Houses. Lot 3 - Purchase of Wooden Houses only. Lot 4 - Delivery, Erection, Dismantlement, Maintenance, Removal and Storage of the Wooden Houses.


Stephen Polese
Room 407
Town Hall
M60 2LA
+44 1612343265

Contract value: 600000-600000

Published: 23 May 2017, Receipt by: 23 Jun 2017