Public Sector Network Tender Alert


Day Opportunity & Employment Support for Working Age Adults

The London Borough of Barnet (LBB) wishes to commission Day Opportunity and Intensive Employment Support services for Service Users (SU) aged 18 to 65. The LBB is setting up an Approved List of suppliers that can demonstrate they are able to improve outcomes for SUs through Day Opportunity services. Suppliers will need an innovative and flexible approach, striving continuously to improve service delivery and work with local services in an integrated way. The Approved List will be the mechanism for award of contracts to deliver Day Opportunity services and Intensive Employment services. It is anticipated that the Approved List will be opened regularly as and when the demand arises. NHS Barnet Clinical Commissioning Group may also call off services from this Approved List throughout the contracted period. This contract is divided into lots, Tenders may be submitted for all lots. Lot Titles: Lot No: 1 - Intensive Employment Support - 'Workplace Retention' Lot No: 2 - Intensive Employment Support -'Place and Train' Lot No: 3 - Intensive Employment Support - Mental Health Lot No: 4 - Community Peer Support Networks - Low Needs Lot No: 5 - Supported Day Opportunities - Low/Medium/High Needs Lot No: 6 - Complex Needs Day Care Full information on lots available on the procurement portal or the OJEU Contract Notice.


North London Business Park
+44 2083597212

Contract value: 2000000

Published: 24 May 2017, Receipt by: 26 Jun 2017