Public Sector Network Tender Alert


Cambridge City Council - Arboricultural services in Cambridge

Cambridge City Council is seeking to award a framework agreement to Arboricultural Association accredited 'ARB approved contractors', for the provision of arboricultural services within the city boundaries. The council manages around 25,000 trees including those on the highway, communal housing land, open spaces and nature reserves. The framework will encompass a wide range of tree maintenance services for existing trees as well as tree planting and establishment services for new trees. Work tasks under the framework will be raised on an ongoing basis and be very varied in scope and scale ranging from one off specialist tree operations to routine maintenance of batches of a thousand or more trees. The requirement is split into three lots. Each lot will be subject to specific service response times and a minimum number of suppliers on each lot (subject to satisfactory market response).The lot details are as follows: Lot 1: Tree maintenance services - Emergency out of hours Service. 3 or more suppliers 1.Emergency (Out of normal working hours) service. Service response time on site within 90 minutes Lot 2: Tree maintenance services 1. Emergency (In normal working hours) service. Service response time on site within 120 minutes 2. High priority. Works to be completed within 24 hours 3. Priority service. Works to be completed within 5 days 4. Planned maintenance service. Works to be completed to agreed schedules. 3 or more suppliers Lot 3: Tree planting and establishment services. Works to be completed to agreed schedules. Three or more suppliers


Heidi Parker
Cambridge City Council
United Kingdom
+44 1223458051

Contract value: 60000-120000

Published: 12 Dec 2017, Receipt by: 14 Jun 2017