Public Sector Network Tender Alert


Framework for the Provision of Reprographics Services

The provision of a Reprographic Service which comprises of the printing of soft copy court or evidence documents; the copying or scanning of hard copy or the printing of soft copy court documents. This service is essential in the smooth running of the MOPAC Estate. The supply of Reprographics is required on a reactive basis only. The Supplier is also required to provide all items such as paper, toners and other consumables as part of the Services. The Supplier must provide, unless otherwise stated, all requisite equipment for the proper execution of all work executed under this Contract. Please note that the Authority has a separate contract for the printing of business as usual (BAU) documents, and is therefore not included as part of this service requirement London Fire and Emergency Planning Authority (LFEPA) will have the right to call-off under the framework agreement. However, MOPAC are unable to give an accurate indication of the demand. If LFEPA were to enter into call-off contracts for the services, the aggregate estimated value of all call-off contracts entered into under the framework agreement may be between £6,500,000 and £15,500,000


Miriam Wang
More Lane
+44 1372865000

Contract value: 6500000-15500000

Published: 21 May 2017, Receipt by: 22 Jun 2017