Public Sector Network Tender Alert


Short Breaks Summer Activities for children and young people with disabilities

Tender for the Provision of Short Breaks Activities for Children and Young People with Disabilities Sandwell Metropolitan Borough Council is seeking to engage multiple providers to undertake a variety of short break summer activities for children and young people with disabilities. A short break is part of a continuum of services which supports disabled children and their families. Sandwell Council's vision is that throughout the short break offer it will strive to enable disabled children and young people to lead ordinary lives. Disabled children and young people will be able to choose from a full range of services, activities including specialist provision, accessible universal and targeted provision. The service will be divided into two lots which include: Lot 1: Summer Activities for children and young people with disabilities from 0 up to 18 years of age which must include access for children under 8 years of age Lot 2: Summer Activities for children and young people with disabilities above 8 years of age and up to 18 If you would like to tender for this provision, please visit to access the Sandwell MBC In-tend Supplier Portal and from the homepage click on 'Register' to complete the simple registration process. Note: In the Business Classifications tab please choose the 8531000 -5 Administrative Social Services. Once logged into the system, click on 'Tenders' from the top menu bar to list all the current opportunities. Once you have found the provision of Tender for the Provision of Short Breaks Summer Activities for Children and Young People with Disabilities opportunity you should click on 'View Details'. You will then have access to the 'Express Interest' button at the bottom of the screen which will provide you with immediate access to the Invitation to Tender and related documents. If you require any further help in respect of the Supplier Portal please contact the In-tend Support Team on 0844 272 8810 Closing date: Tuesday 30 May 2017 at 17:00hrs


Gaynor Martin
Freeth Street
West Midlands
B69 9EX
United Kingdom
0845 352 7517

Contract value:

Published: 15 May 2017, Receipt by: 30 May 2017