Public Sector Network Tender Alert


000820 Catalogue in Publication (CIP) Data

The British Library's Cataloguing-in-Publication Programme provides for the creation and supply of MARC 21 catalogue records of forthcoming publications in the United Kingdom and Republic of Ireland with the exception of those categories listed at: The service provider obtains advance information from UK and Irish publishers such as Onix records, prelims, dust jacket, title page, publicity and other relevant material. From this information the service provider creates records to be supplied via FTP file to the British Library on a regular (weekly) basis. The records supplied are used in the British National Bibliography (BNB) and in the Library's metadata supply services. The availability of CIP records alerts libraries and other bibliographic agencies to forthcoming publications so that the records may be incorporated into their database systems to support acquisitions, stock selection, cataloguing, current awareness and other requirements. For further details please browse to the Library's eTendering portal and click on the View Current Opportunities and Notice link and follow the online instructions to register.


Andy Kemp
British Library
Boston Spa
LS23 7BQ

Contract value: 1000000

Published: 16 May 2017, Receipt by: 16 Jun 2017