Public Sector Network Tender Alert


Provision of a Fabrication Laboratory Facility

This is a re-Tender, previously 17-04. The Innovation Product Support Service (iPSS) project is an ERDF funded business support project that will support SMEs in the development of new products and processes. Examples of the funded support available to businesses include: • Product design • Engineering analysis • Market research • Intellectual property guidance • Electronics development • Commercial reviews • New product development planning and development • Development and implementation of sensor technologies The Fabrication Laboratory (Fab Lab) is a new facility being established within the newly constructed Science, Technology & Prototyping Centre at the University of Wolverhampton Science Park. This £10m Science, Technology & Prototyping Centre will open in Spring 2017 and will comprise a total of 3,900m2 nett floor space. The Fab Lab will provide a combination of high quality office, laboratory and workshop areas to support science and technology based businesses. General information about the Fab Lab can be found be found at The Fab Lab will occupy a 1,097ft2 unit on the ground floor of the building, initially for the duration of the iPSS project i.e. to March 2019. Occupation and equipping of the unit will enable the iPSS Project to provide free support to local businesses in the production of good quality physical prototypes of new product concepts that they are developing with the assistance of the standard support package referred to above. In order to allow this Contract to be used for potential Funded projects we are notifying all tenderers that some works might be subject to part funding by, for example, the European Structural and Investment Funds Growth Programme for England (2014-2020) or any other European Union Funded Programme, or other Funding Body e.g. Local Enterprise Partnerships (LEP). This Tender Invitation is to provide a quotation for the supply and installation of the equipment required for the effective operation of the Fab Lab as detailed in Schedule 1 of the Invitation to Tender. The quotation should include connection to the single phase or three phase electricity supplies provided in the workshop as appropriate. Please note that the Schedule is broken down into Lots. Tenderers have the ability to bid on ANY lot. Deadline for installation and commissioning of every piece of equipment detailed in the lots specified in Schedule 1 week commencing 17th July 2017. This is a mandatory requirement. Other mandatory requirements include; - Ability to provide all items listed within a particular lot - Meeting budget requirements (detailed in the ITT) - Meeting minimum turnover requirements (twice the budget requirements, detailed in the ITT). To access the documents please register on BravoSolution using the following link

MX Building

Contract value:

Published: 16 May 2017, Receipt by: 31 May 2017