Public Sector Network Tender Alert


Dog Warden Services

The contractor will be required to provide a comprehensive dog warden service which complies with the council's statutory responsibilities under the following provisions conferred by the following Acts and Act, Order or Regulation made under them and all other implemented during the course of the contract period: - The Environmental Protection Act 1990 and any regulations made under this act - The Dogs Act 1906 (as amended) - Section 27 of the Road Traffic Act 1988 - Clean Neighbourhood and Environment Act 2005 - Dangerous Dogs Act 1991 - this may be at the request of the police - Anti-Social Behaviour, Crime and Policing Act 2015. - Animal Welfare Act 2006 The contractor will also need to have processes in place to accommodate all new and other legislation, bylaws, regulations' or orders and to take into consideration Government issued guidance relating to dogs which are implemented throughout the contract term for which the contractor must make due provision. The dog warden will be required to support and work with Prevention and Enforcement Officers on issues relating to dog fouling in accordance with the Council's Enforcement Plans, policies and procedures using the Council's current operating system. Please see appendix 3.1, policy and procedures are subject to review.


Vasos Melides
Manor Drive House
Manor Drive
017333 84607

Contract value: 324000

Published: 23 May 2017, Receipt by: 16 Jun 2017