Public Sector Network Tender Alert


The provision of waste services

The Mayor's Office for Policing and Crime (MOPAC) as the contracting authority is tendering for the provision of clinical and offensive waste management services. The Framework consists of two lots. Lot 1 - The Provision of general, recycling, hazardous, WEEE & horse waste management services The Waste Service shall consist of the collection from any location within the MPS Greater London District and reuse, recycling (where applicable), recovery or disposal (in line with the EU waste hierarchy Lot 2- The provision of clinical waste, fem hygiene and dog waste, The Waste Service shall consist of the collection from any location within the MPS Greater London District and reuse, recycling, recovery or disposal (in line with the EU waste hierarchy and in support of Circular Economy principles) Framework agreement with 2 operators


Nathan Fox
City Hall, The Queens Walk,
More Lane
+44 1372865000

Contract value: 8300000-19500000

Published: 18 May 2017, Receipt by: 22 Jun 2017