Public Sector Network Tender Alert


Telford: Substance Misuse Treatment and Recovery Service (Telford STARS)

Telford & Wrekin Council wish to invite Providers to attend a Market Testing Event to inform potential Providers of the Council's commissioning intentions to provide Substance Misuse Treatment and Recover Service (Telford STARS). The main aspiration of the Market Testing Event is to investigate the market to assess the level of interest in providing Substance Misuse Treatment and Recovery services in Telford & Wrekin.The information received from interested parties will be used to further develop the draft service specification in regard to future provision of these services.The proposed new Telford STARS service will provide a full range of interventions for adults and young people using drugs and/or alcohol. This will include working with individuals involved in the criminal justice system. The aim for the new service is to provide a high quality service for Telford & Wrekin clients who are at risk of or currently experiencing negative impacts as a result of their alcohol or drug use

Darby House
Lawn Central

Contract value:

Published: 19 May 2017, Receipt by: 7 Jun 2017