Public Sector Network Tender Alert


TDC PT Construction of 8 Dwellings and Associated Works - Meadway Warlingham

Tandridge District Council is seeking to appoint a suitably experienced contractor for the construction of 8 new homes on a garage site at Meadway Warlingham. The development comprises 2 x 2-storey 2-bedroom houses, a 3-storey block of 2 x 1-bedroom and 4 x 2-bedroom flats, a new access road, parking and landscaping, works to safeguard and remove trees and other associated works onsite and offsite works. A copy of the following documents are attached: o Drawings accompanying planning application and on which the consent is based; o Design and Access statement accompanying the planning application o Planning Committee Agenda p22 refers to the Meadway Development Planning consent was granted on the 27th April but because it is a council application it requires ratification at full Council which will take place on the 25th May 2017. This will be a two stage procurement process beginning with the issuing of the PQQ to draw up a shortlist.


Peter Trowbridge
8 Station Road East
United Kingdom

Contract value: 1500000-1700000

Published: 19 May 2017, Receipt by: 12 Jun 2017