Public Sector Network Tender Alert


G-Cloud Services II

G-Cloud services II. Government Procurement Service as the Contracting Authority is putting in place a Pan Government Collaborative Framework Agreement for use by UK public sector bodies identified at VI.3 (and any future successors to these organisations), which include Central Government Departments and their Arm’s Length Bodies and Agencies, Non Departmental Public Bodies, NHS bodies and Local Authorities. The above Public Sector Bodies have a need for a compliant Procurement Vehicle to access Cloud Computing Services. Government Procurement Service reserves the right for an electronic auction to be held by Public Sector bodies during further competition among the parties to the framework agreement(s). This framework will be a recurring framework, the maximum duration of any call-off contract that may be placed by an eligible Contracting Body is 24 months. The G-Cloud framework catalogue, known as Cloudstore, will require frequent procurement refreshes to bring on new suppliers and services. Refreshes are being considered at a varying frequency of 3-12 months depending on demand and/or availability of new services as the IT Cloud market develops. To lessen the administrative burden on suppliers with frequent G-Cloud OJEU procurements, the concept of automatically pre-qualifying Suppliers will be introduced with this and for subsequent G-Cloud procurement iterations. Pre-qualification mechanism. At the next G-Cloud procurement (which will be called G-Cloud Services iii) existing G-Cloud suppliers will be able to resubmit their existing G-Cloud II services for inclusion without the need to compile new tender documentation, thereby allowing the Contracting Authority to use their previous tender submission. To be eligible for this pre-qualification the following criteria must be met by the incumbent supplier: — The supplier must have existing and previously tendered services within the G-Cloud Services x family of linked procurements starting from this procurement G-Cloud Services ii May 2012, — The supplier cannot add new services in the pre-qualification, — The supplier T&C’s as submitted with the original tender for the service cannot be changed. Please note: any new services and/or changed T&C’s must be submitted via a full tender submission. At the publication of a G-Cloud Services x procurement iteration suppliers with existing G-Cloud services will be asked whether they wish to pre-qualify those services as part of the new procurement and for those services to remain active for the duration of that framework iteration. If the supplier does not confirm the desire to pre-qualify their services, either by declining or remaining silent, their services will cease to be available through the catalogue automatically on the expiry date of the associated G-Cloud services x procurement iteration predefined when the catalogue is loaded. If the supplier wishes to pre-qualify their services the existing catalogue entry will be reloaded with the revised new procurement iteration expiry date at the same time as any new tendered services from existing and new suppliers are loaded. CPV: 48000000, 72000000, 72500000.

Ref: RM1557ii,


Contract value: 100000000.00 - 100000000.00GBP

Published: 11 Jan 2013, Receipt by: 11 Jan 2014