Public Sector Network Tender Alert


5718-2013: UK-East Kilbride: Foreign economic-aid-related services

DFID Ethiopia wishes to commission an evaluation team (“the team”) to design and implement the independent evaluation component of its “Private Enterprise Programme Ethiopia” (PEPE). PEPE aims to create jobs, raise incomes and improve access to finance especially for women and in areas of “green growth”, which will be implemented by a technical service provider (“TSP”). The “Making Markets Work for the Poor” (M4P) methodology will guide its implementation. The team's work is divided into design and implementation phases. This is expected to include provision of
a) regular on-going engagement with implementers of the main programme on their monitoring and evaluation approach,
b) annual reflection on the implementer's own review of results,
c) periodic in-depth impact evaluation of the programme's strategy, results and impact, and
d) ad hoc relevant research.There will be an inception phase of around 2-4 months (timing to align with the main PEPE contract, so some flexibility will be required), and implementation phase of up to 141 months (including impact evaluation up to 5 years after the main programme's completion).
The team will need to be ready to mobilise by mid-March 2013. Continuation of the team's contract beyond each phase will be subject to the breakpoints outlined within the ToR and to satisfactory performance and costs. Upon successful completion of the contract, there may be the possibility of a contract extension of up to 12 months, which would also be subject to the aforementioned conditions. Formation of consortia is encouraged where necessary to meet the range of requirements, including to blend “academic-type” research and evaluation with “policy-type” (especially M4P) programme and strategy analysis. A presentation to the evaluating panel by the proposed team-leader of the shortlisted bidders will be required. This will be by telephone and will be on the 13th February. For NGOs applying, the new Ethiopian legislation governing Civil Society Organisations needs to be considered.

Ref: 6128,


Abercrombie House, Eaglesham Road
East Kilbride

Contract value: No contract value provided

Published: 8 Jan 2013, Receipt by: 14 Jan 2013