Public Sector Network Tender Alert


407868-2012: UK-Chatham: Health services

Health services. Medway Council is tendering for Local Healthwatch, which is to be fully operational from Monday, 1.4.2013. Healthwatch is a new independent consumer champion created to gather and represent the views of the public. It will play a role at both national and local level and will make sure that the views of the public and people who use services are taken into account.
The organisation has three key functions:
— to promote citizen engagement;
— to offer information and signposting; and
— to provide complaints advocacy for NHS services.
Medway Local Healthwatch needs to be a professional led organisation, offering high quality services for the people of Medway. Local people need to have confidence in the information received from Healthwatch and the confidence that Healthwatch will represent their views about health and social care services.
Local Healthwatch can generate further income by providing these functions for other organisations. However, any income generated must be reinvested back into the organisation in accordance with the definition of a social enterprise.
The contract will be awarded for the period 1.3.2013 to 31.3.2015, subject to meeting annual performance measurements. An extension for a further two years will be built into the contract.

Ref: HW/2013.,


Medway Council
Gun Wharf, Dock Road
Contact point(s): Category Management
For the attention of: Phyllis Thompson
ME4 4TR Chatham
Telephone: +44 1634337839
Internet address(es):
General address of the contracting authority:
Electronic access to information:
Further information can be obtained from: The above mentioned contact point(s)
Specifications and additional documents (including documents for competitive dialogue and a dynamic purchasing system) can be obtained from: The above mentioned contact point(s)
Tenders or requests to participate must be sent to: The above mentioned contact point(s)

Contract value: GBP 130,000 per year for Lots 1 and 2. If providers bid for one Lot only, must submit one price.If bid for both lots then need to provide price for each Lot as well as the combined price.Estimated value excluding VAT: 520 000 GBP

Published: 22 Dec 2012, Receipt by: 6 Feb 2013