Public Sector Network Tender Alert


First World War Centenary Battlefield Tours

Background: The Government are funding £5.3m from 2013 - March 2019 to provide the opportunity for a minimum of two pupils and one teacher from every state-funded secondary school in England to visit battlefields on the Western Front. This is part of the Government’s plans to commemorate the centenary of the First World War. The project is joint-funded by the Department for Education (DfE) and the Department for Communities and Local Government (DCLG). Brief description of the service: The successful bidder will be responsible for managing arrangements to ensure that all state-funded secondary schools have the opportunity to participate. As part of this they will deliver and manage the educational aspects of the project (outlined below) and the travel and accommodation for participants. The project is particularly focussed on educational outcomes for both pupils and teachers in terms of developing their understanding of the First World War. The successful bidder will be responsible for developing and piloting the project during 2013, to ensure it meets the needs of teachers and pupils prior to full roll-out of the project in spring 2014. We would expect that the trips would last for three days but this is not fixed. However, we would expect a core offer of every participant spending a minimum of one and a half days on the battlefields regardless of the schools geographical location. Key outcomes that we would expect from the project include: • Teachers would pass on the benefits of their improved understanding of WW1 to the rest of their pupils and deliver more effective lessons and future battlefield tours. • Pupils would develop a deeper understanding of the causes and consequences of WW1 and its impact on people’s lives, both civilians and soldiers. • Pupils would be able to think critically about WW1 – for example, to challenge myths or to reflect on its resonance and significance to their lives and the world around them. This would include a focus on some of the more positive social and economic consequences of the war, such as the furthering of women’s rights and developments in technology and medicine. • Pupils learn the stories of people from their local area who were involved in the war and have the opportunity to visit battlefields/ war memorials including those that have links to their communities. • Pupils learn about the role of the Commonwealth and former Empire countries who fought in the war. This could offer a good opportunity for links with other Commonwealth countries as well other nations involved in the conflict including Germany, Austria and Turkey. • Pupil participation in remembrance ceremonies on the western front, with potential links to other schools from nations who were involved in the conflict. • Pupils and teachers would discuss their experiences and what they have learned with their school community via the classroom, school assemblies, blogs and projects. • Pupils would establish related projects and events in their schools and communities Estimated value: The total funding is £5.3m between 2013 – 2019 which is jointly funded from the Department for Education and the Department for Communities and Local Government. Length of contract: The contract is to be awarded for a period of 3 years with the option of an extension for up to a further 4 years.

Ref: 1034,


Department for Education

Contract value: 5000000.00 - 5300000.00GBP

Published: 14 Dec 2012, Receipt by: 24 Jan 2013