Public Sector Network Tender Alert


To sustain and develop the portage workforce across England

Portage is a home visiting service for pre-school children with additional needs and their families. The aim of the tender is to sustain and develop portage services across England by commissioning: a) Three levels of portage training: • regional portage awareness workshops; • basic portage training for 240 early years practitioners; • “train a trainer” sessions (Basic to BTEC Level 4). b) Support for the early years workforce to include: • regional hubs of portage expertise; • peer mentorship; • case studies. c) Two reports: • labour market information on the state of the portage workforce; • to develop a self-sustaining portage training model. Funding has been identified for the financial years 2013-14 and 2014-15, subject to the Secretary of State's priorities.

Ref: 1033 TA,


Department for Education, Teaching Agency
Educational Psychology Team, ,Piccadilly Gate, Store Street
M1 2WD

Contract value: 1.00GBP

Published: 14 Dec 2012, Receipt by: 25 Jan 2013