Public Sector Network Tender Alert


2013 Campylobacter Strategy Workshop

2013 Campylobacter Strategy Workshop Context Since 2009, Government and Industry have been working together to establish routes to reduce Campylobacter in the food chain, recognising that the complex ecology and biology of the organism mean that the development of effective risk reduction strategies are a major challenge for Government, livestock producers, processors and retailers. Campylobacter infections cause more food-borne illness than any other organism in the UK and it has been clear for several years that no one intervention could succeed. In 2010, the UK Research and Innovation Strategy for Campylobacter (UK RISC), proposed a multidisciplinary approach to intervene at a variety of points in the food chain. This 2013 Campylobacter Strategy Workshop is a review of research achieved to date, through industry and public funding, against the on-going challenges that Campylobacter presents across the food chain to evaluate if UK RISC is on track and identify further research, strategy or policy required. As an invitation only event, this workshop provides key industry, researcher, funder and policy maker stakeholders the opportunity to keep abreast of latest research developments and ensure UK RISC will achieve its goals. Dates/Schedule The date of the 3 day event has been finalised and will take place on 12-14 March 2013, formally commencing from 12noon on Tuesday 12th through to 14.00 on Thursday 14th. Set up and breakdown time will be needed before and after this schedule. Event profile/Sponsors This needs to be positioned as a high profile event given industrial and government senior staff attendance. The event is ‘by invitation only’. Invitations and delegate lists will be managed by sponsors. The event is sponsored jointly by the Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC), Food Standards Agency (FSA) and Department for Environment Food and Rural Affairs (defra). No commercial sponsorship is sought. Delegation Maximum of 150 delegates, expected to participate throughout event and dinners Location Not in London City or Greater London. Venue must have easy/short distance access from national/international travel as audience expected to travel from across UK/GB and Europe. Location (contd) As an example, previously used Staverton Park Hotel, Northants in 2009 while it worked well, travel access to and from the venue was difficult and so this venue could not be considered again. A similar style/quality but easier access is required. Should advise on access and own transport services. Venue Facilities To accommodate whole meeting, catering, accommodation – i.e. must all be on one site within one building and no opportunity for audience to be lost from meeting/breaks as need to encourage networking. Prefer easy flow from conference room to poster/networking room and v.v. Venue must provide full, reliable business meeting support with wifi included in delegate package and available in poster room Layout preferred: Conference room set out in cabaret style (max 8 per table) – excellent AV required and options for projection of presentations along depth of room to ensure all audience can see/hear Poster/Networking room to be adjacent to conference room (30-40 posters) with space for buffet catering for breaks/lunches 3-4 small break out rooms for closed discussions and event administration preparatory work. 2 private dinners required for all delegates – rooms need to lend themselves to networking – dinner speakers will be present so big enough for AV equipment etc. It could be possible to hold this in same room as conference/day meeting so requiring quick changeover by venue while audience was out in poster/networking room undisturbed by changeover. So access for and the changeover should be unseen by audience. Must ensure accessibility for disabled delegates. Catering: Breakfast within accommodation/delegate rate to be confirmed. 12th - Lunch, break and dinner 13th – Break, lunch, break, dinner 14th – Break, lunch Note: Room snack/beverage and Bar tabs will be covered by individual guests. General Rooms, service and menus need to be high quality, with professional customer focus in mind. While the sponsors will have event managers on-site they will need responsive support to ensure the event runs smoothly at all times.

Ref: PS120072,


RCUK Shared Services Centre Ltd, ,North Star House
Angela Lyon
+44 1793867883

Contract value: 50000.00 - 60000.00GBP

Published: 13 Dec 2012, Receipt by: 3 Jan 2013