Public Sector Network Tender Alert


Quality Monitoring Services

Lee Valley Regional Park Authority is seeking expressions of interest for the provision of Quality Monitoring Services. The Authority has a current contractual arrangement which is due to expire on 31 March 2013. The Authority is looking for a Supplier to deliver the Quality Monitoring Services, based on four distinct methods detailed as follows: (i) The first method relates to Quality Audits carried out on nominated Venues (ii) The second relates to Mystery Visits carried out on nominated Venues (iii) The third relates to Mystery Visits carried out on nominated Sites (iv) The fourth relates to audits carried out on the Authority’s Quality Management System. The initial term of the Contract will be a Three (3) year period, with a provision for the Authority where it is satisfied with the performance against set key performance indicators (KPI’s) and the level of service provided, the Authority may extend the contract under the same contract terms up to a further one (1) year period. We anticipate that if the Authority decides to extend the Contract on this basis, the estimated value will be between £20k - £30k. The Tender documentation will be issued week commencing 7 January 2013.

Ref: LVRPA581S1302,


Lee Valley Regional Park Authority
Myddelton House,Bulls Cross
Helen Bruce Hoy or Matthew Jones
01992 717 711

Contract value: 60000.00 - 90000.00GBP

Published: 13 Dec 2012, Receipt by: 4 Jan 2013