Public Sector Network Tender Alert


GB-London: High Speed Broadband in Council-Owned Residential Properties

Wandsworth Borough Council is seeking suppliers that are interested in providing high speed broadband into Council-owned residential properties. Interested suppliers are asked to provide some information and to potentially attend a half-day event. The aim of the market testing exercise is to enable a two-way conversation between the Council and potential suppliers to determine whether there is sufficient interest in the market for the Council to conduct a formal tendering process. The Council is seeking to engage suppliers early in the process as the provision of high speed broadband into residential properties is a relatively new venture for any local authority in the United Kingdom. This exercise will also contribute to the development and refinement of the service specification for any subsequent procurement. This market testing exercise gives suppliers the opportunity to be involved during the early stages of this project and participate in the development of the Council’s requirement. Please note that this market testing exercise is not a formal part of any procurement process, and that should the Council decide to procure this service then a new contract opportunity will be publically advertised. Suppliers that do not or cannot participate in the market testing will not suffer any disadvantage in the process. The supplier half-day will be held on the morning of Thursday 17 January 2013 at Wandsworth Council. Full details will be provided to those that register. The Council’s requirement for high speed broadband into Council-owned residential properties: On 19 November 2012, the Council’s Executive agreed that the Council could proceed with letting a concession contract for the installation of high speed broadband into Council-owned residential properties. The Council is currently considering its options with regards to the contract term, the mandatory requirements, the type of service that will be made available to residents and the charging mechanism for suppliers to re-coup their investment. Providing broadband to Council-owned residential properties supports major Council programmes to move the customer point of contact online and increase digital inclusion. Council tenants in particular are more likely to not have internet access (30-40%) compared to the rest of the borough (around 15%) and providing residents with internet access offers them real opportunities. A full copy of the report can be found here:

Ref: 1029,


Wandsworth Borough Council
Room 305, The Town Hall,Wandsworth High Street
SW18 2PU
David Osborne

Contract value: 10000.00GBP

Published: 13 Dec 2012, Receipt by: 10 Jan 2013