Public Sector Network Tender Alert


395283-2012: UK-Birmingham: Cardiovascular devices

HTE is seeking to award an Agreement acting as agent for the UHCW and wishes to establish a framework agreement for Specialist Products used in Cardiology Procedures including Patent Foramen Ovale (PFO) & Atrial Spetal Defects (ASD) Closure Devices, Left Atrial Apendage (LAA) Closure Devices, Rotational Atherectomy Systems, Cutting/Scoring Balloons, Embolic Capture/Distal Protection Devices, Intra-Aortic Balloon (IAB) Catheters, Temporary Pacing Wires, Pressure Wires and other specialist products used in a cath lab environment at Specialist Cardiac Centres.
In that respect this OJEU notice relates to procurement activity in respect of the contracting authorities identified below. HTE and UHCW may however, extend the scope and benefit of the Framework Agreement to the private sector and, whilst not required by procurement legislation to do so, it has extended the principles of public tendering so as to assure its private sector customers of best value and open and transparent processes.
It is intended by this OJEU notice that the following will apply: (i) in purchasing Goods or awarding contracts under this Framework Agreement HTE is acting in its capacity as Agent for UHCW in relation to contracting authorities only; and (ii) in purchasing Goods or awarding contracts under this Framework Agreement HTE, insofar as it relates to private sector procurement, HTE is acting in its capacity as Principal and not as agent of UHCW.
The public and voluntary sector bodies to whom the use of this contract / framework agreement will be open include, in particular, those in the United Kingdom listed or referred to below, their respective statutory successors and all organisations created as a result of any statutory or contractual re-organisations and organisational changes.
— Central Government Departments & their executive agencies (a list of such Departments and executive agencies can be found at responsibilities.aspx);
— Non-Departmental Public Bodies (NDPBs) (a list of NDPBs can be found at Annex A to the Public Bodies Directory 2007 published by the Cabinet Office) which can be found at pdf/public_bodies_2007.pdf);
— National Health Service (NHS) bodies, including hospital Trusts, which in turn include acute Trusts, Trusts operating community hospitals and the provider functions of Primary Care Trusts); Primary Care Trusts and General Clinical commissioning groups; Care Trusts; Care Trusts Plus; Ambulance Trusts; Mental Health Trusts; Strategic Health Authorities; Special Health Authorities; Community Health Councils; Local Health Boards; NHS Foundation Trusts;
— Health Boards, NHS Trusts, Community Health Councils and other constituent bodies of the NHS in Wales;
— NHS Scotland and its constituent bodies including: the Scottish Ambulance Service, Special NHS Boards and the other constituent organisations of the Scottish National Health Service; and
— Health and Social Care Trusts, Health Agencies and other constituent bodies of the NHS in Northern Ireland.
Lists of all of such NHS Authorities, Trusts, Councils, Boards and other bodies can be found at:,, and;
— Community Interest Companies (CIC), social enterprises and all other similar forms of organisation undertaking some or all of what were previously the service provider functions of PCTs and/or Local Authorities (as defined below) including any of the same that have been set up independently to provide health and/or social care services (a list of regulated CICs can be found at
— Clinical Commissioning Groups (established in accordance with Chapter A2 of Part 2 of the NHS Act 2006 (as amended) and as detailed in Schedule 2 Part 2 of the Health and Social Care Act 2012) and their parent and/or governing bodies, including without limitation the NHS Commissioning Board.
— Local Authorities (as defined in Regulation 3(2) to 3(5) inclusive of the Public Contracts Regulations 2006 (“the Regulations”), a list of such authorities being available at:;
— Educational establishments (i.e. schools maintained by Local Authorities; Academies; City Technology Colleges; the Learning and Skills Council; further education establishments, and universities;
— Registered Charities, as detailed at;
— Devolved and other administrations within the British Isles, including those detailed at: (in the case of Scotland), and, (in the case of Wales)
— Her Majesty's Prison Service as detailed at
— The Ministry of defence as detailed at
— The use of this contract/framework is open to any health and/or social care bodies or organisations established and/or operating in the United Kingdom and/or any country in the European Union that has a similar procurement need in respect of any goods or services to any of the above public or voluntary sector organisations. In particular any private sector (i.e. all non-public sector) health and/or social care companies, bodies corporate, partnerships and other businesses providing health and/or social care services (registered independent service providers operating in the United Kingdom can be searched for on the CQC website at and in respect of such health and/or social care service providers established and/or operating in other countries in the European Union, they can be searched for on the official websites of equivalent European regulatory bodies.

Ref: GPM-007171,


HealthTrust Europe LLP (HTE) acting as agent for the University Hospitals of Coventry and Warwickshire NHS Trust (“UHCW”)
1 Hagley Road, Edgbaston
For the attention of: Rhian Williams
B16 8TG Birmingham
Telephone: +44 7791511382
Fax: +44 1216871345
Internet address(es):
General address of the contracting authority:
Further information can be obtained from: The above mentioned contact point(s)
Specifications and additional documents (including documents for competitive dialogue and a dynamic purchasing system) can be obtained from: The above mentioned contact point(s)
Tenders or requests to participate must be sent to: The above mentioned contact point(s)

Contract value: This exercise will cover the following medical devices:PFO & ASD Closure Devices,LAA Closure Devices,Rotational Atherectomy Systems,Cutting/Scoring Balloons,Embolic Capture/Distal Protection Devices,Intra-Aortic Balloon (IAB) Catheters,Temporary Pacing Wires,Pressure Wires,Other specialist products used in a cath lab environment in Specialist Cardiac Centres.Estimated value excluding VAT: Range: between 2 500 000 and 5 000 000 GBP

Published: 13 Dec 2012, Receipt by: 14 Jan 2013