Public Sector Network Tender Alert


Passenger Type Lifts - Servicing and Maintenance

Herefordshire Housing Limited seeks Contractors to undertake Passenger Type lifts - Servicing and Maintenance to an initial 11 No passenger lifts in Herefordshire (more may be added during the lift of the contract). Type of works include servicing, emergency and routine repairs, programmed parts replacements etc.

To be used by the Property Services division of Herefordshire Housing Ltd. the successful contractor will provide a supporting service to the division’s In-house team.

The successful contractor's operation will be subject to a number of performance measures that will be monitored during the life of the contract. More details of these are outlined in the tender documentation.

Please return the completed Tender documentation supplied in the attachment to this advertisement (a checklist can be found in the Form of Tender section), by midday 4th January 2013.

The Contract is for an initial Three year duration with potential for a further 2 years subject to on going satisfactory performance. This contract has a start date of the 14th January 2013 and a potential finish date of the 31st December 2017.

The closing date for the return of the tender is midday 4th January 2013. The pre - Contract meeting with the successful tenderer will take place during w/c 7th January, 2013.

(MT Ref:95556)

Ref: HH0257/05/12/12,


Herefordshire Housing Limited
Legion Way,Property Services
Matthew Edwards
+44 1432384111

Contract value:

Published: 11 Dec 2012, Receipt by: 4 Jan 2013