Public Sector Network Tender Alert


392641-2012: UK-Peterborough: Wildlife preservation services

Wildlife preservation services.
1.1 In the UK, the Countryside Council for Wales (CCW), Scottish Natural Heritage (SNH), the Northern Ireland Environment Agency (NIEA) as advised by the Council for Nature Conservation and the Countryside (CNCC), and Natural England (NE), are statutory bodies established to provide the Welsh Assembly Government, Scottish Executive, the Northern Ireland Assembly, and others with independent advice on nature conservation (on land and at sea), natural heritage, landscape, countryside access and rural issues – hereafter referred to as the UK statutory country agencies. More information on these agencies can be found at;;; and
1.2 A range of monitoring activities of birds is conducted within the UK. For the purposes of this service, these monitoring activities include marking some species of birds and observing the nests of some species of birds. The four UK statutory country agencies will issue licences to the service provider who will in turn provide annual permits to individuals to carry out these activities. Issuing licences for wild birds is a statutory duty under Section 16(1) of the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 (as amended) and such licences authorise actions which would otherwise be illegal under the provisions of the Act. In accordance with Section 16(5) of the Act such licences can be issued to individuals or classes of individuals.
1.3 On behalf of the UK statutory country agencies a service to deliver the following activities is required. For the purposes of this service there will be two separate permits issued by the service provider, one will be for the disturbance and taking of breeding Schedule 1 birds (Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981) and the other will be for the taking of wild birds other than breeding Schedule 1 species. The latter is referred to in this specification as General Ringing with a General Ringing Permit and is distinct from a general licence issued by the statutory country agencies.
1.4 In addition, the service provider will also be required to maintain standards and manage these licenced activities according to law and the requirements of the statutory country agencies with regard to animal welfare, accuracy of scientific observation and recognise the work done by the ringers and other volunteers.
1.5 The contract will be let with JNCC acting as the 'contract facilitator' and the day-to-day responsibility and final authority for the contract as set out in this specification will reside with the JNCC Support Company.
1.6 The strategic management of the contract will be undertaken by a project board with representatives of the UK statutory country agencies and the JNCC.

Ref: C13-0056-0614,


JNCC Support Co.
Monkstone House, City Road
Contact point(s): Procurement Services Team
For the attention of: Dora Iantosca
PE1 1JY Peterborough
Telephone: +44 1733866894
Fax: +44 1733555948
Internet address(es):
General address of the contracting authority:
Electronic access to information:
Further information can be obtained from: The above mentioned contact point(s)
Specifications and additional documents (including documents for competitive dialogue and a dynamic purchasing system) can be obtained from: The above mentioned contact point(s)
Tenders or requests to participate must be sent to: The above mentioned contact point(s)

Contract value: 2. Scope.2.1 The service required covers the issuing of permits for taking, handling or marking birds, and to maintain high standards for this licensing service on behalf of the statutory country agencies as summarised below.List of tasks to be performed under the licensing service exclusively within the UK Undertake assessment of applications for general ringing permits.— Issue general ringing permits, and follow up with end of year reminders for renewals,— Provide assessment of applications for disturbance of Schedule 1 species for purpose of ringing and nest recording,— In Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland collate those assessments and send to Scottish Natural Heritage, Countryside Council for Wales and Northern Ireland Environment Agency; in England issue permits direct to appropriate applicants,— Administer and manage a process to ensure licenced activities are consistent with legal requirements,— Provide appropriate reports to the statutory country agencies annually on permits issued and the licensing service provided,— Provide accreditation to ringers,— Maintain a register of ringers,— Provide appropriate liaison and feedback to ringers,— Manage and control the use of unconventional trapping and marking methods,— Operate disciplinary procedures relating to ringing and complaints,— Effect a transition, with minimal disruption of this service, from the previous agreement.Estimated value excluding VAT: Range: between 300 000 and 350 000 GBP

Published: 11 Dec 2012, Receipt by: 15 Jan 2013