Public Sector Network Tender Alert


Contract for the Cash Collection Services from Car Park Cash Points to East Kent Hospitals University NHS Foundation Trust

Contract for the provision of Cash Collection from Car Parking Pay Machines and Cashiars to East Kent Hospitals University NHS Foundation Trust. Contract will be awarded on the basis of the most economically advantageous offer(s), judged on the following criteria. These factors are not listed in any particular order of importance Technical 40 % Service 20 % Financial 40 %

Ref: T/EKH/589,


East Kent Hospitals University NHS Foundation Trust
Supplies Department,William Harvey Hospital,Kennington Road
TN24 0LZ
Monjur Elahi
01233 616100

Contract value: 60000.00 - 100000.00GBP

Published: 10 Dec 2012, Receipt by: 10 Jan 2013