Public Sector Network Tender Alert


Research into Priority Services Registers and additional support for vulnerable energy customers

We wish to commission research with consumers to understand their awareness, experiences and expectations of energy suppliers’ and gas and electricity distribution companies’ Priority Services Registers (PSRs) and their views on the provision of support to vulnerable customers. The research must provide Ofgem with insight to inform its review of the PSRs and other additional support for vulnerable energy consumers, such as the free gas safety check. As set out above, the research required will have a strong focus on engaging vulnerable consumers, however broader consumer awareness and expectations is also of interest.

The work has been split into two Lots of research - quantitative and qualitative. Suppliers may bid for one or both Lots.

Full details of the requirement are set out in the ITT.

(MT Ref:95837)

Ref: 2012-52,


9 Millbank,Procurement Team
John Cole
+44 2079017000

Contract value:

Published: 10 Dec 2012, Receipt by: 10 Jan 2013