Public Sector Network Tender Alert


0922S Survey Benthic Infaunal and PS Sample Analysis

JNCC wishes to commission a contract to undertake the Particle Size and infaunal taxonomic analysis of samples collected on the 0922S cruise. There were 128 samples collected on the survey to the West Shetland Shelf MPA. Bidders are invited to provide a description of how the requirements set out below will be met and a per sample quote. A taxonomic sample reference collection is required, which the successful contractor will provide to the National Museum of Scotland (see Appendix B). The sample residues will be stored by the contractor until completion of the contract (i.e. after any remedial action identified through quality checks has been actioned).

Monkstone House,City Road

Contract value: 70000

Published: 18 Oct 2022, Receipt by: 31 Oct 2022