Public Sector Network Tender Alert


WP3849 - Young Person Accommodation Services - AWARD

The Council is seeking providers for a range of Supported Housing accommodation and support for Young People who are aged 16-25 (or for Lot 2 16-29) and assessed as vulnerable by the Children in Need Service and for who the local authority Children's Services has a Statutory Duty. This includes Children Looked After aged 16-17; Care Leavers aged 18-25; and homeless young people aged 16-18. We seek to procure a range of accommodation that will provide the right young people with the right place and support to acquire the skills to live independently, and make successful transition to independent living. It is the Council's intention to divide these requirements into 3 lots as follows: Lot 1 - Supported Lodgings; Night Stop and Day Stop for Young People Lot 2 - Accommodation and Intensive Housing Management for Young People Lot 3 - Training Flat for Young People


Stephanie Westley
Darwall Street
West Midlands
United Kingdom

Contract value: 689416-1378832

Published: 18 Oct 2022, Receipt by: 12 Sep 2022