Public Sector Network Tender Alert


Film and HETV Job Description Templates - AWARD

The BFI Skills Review 2022 notes the inconsistent use of job descriptions and specifications within physical production. The absence of a job description can: - perpetuate the opaqueness of career pathways; - prevent people from identifying the skills they need to progress; - create barriers for people moving into production from other sectors; and - make it harder for those returning to work in the industry after a period of absence. To support freelance development in the sector and improve awareness and accessibility of jobs within the industry, we are seeking a supplier to: - Review the current use of job descriptions within the UK film and TV production sector, currently existing resources, and identify roles and departments where they are not commonly used; - Identify and agree with the BFI roles for which the creation of job description templates can be most useful and applicable, complementing any existing publicly available resources or ongoing work. - Work with industry practitioners with hiring responsibilities to produce job description templates that can be adopted by productions at the contracting stage - Use existing relationships to disseminate templates to productions and produce recommendations for long-term dissemination.


Stephen Adams
21 Stephen Street
United Kingdom

Contract value: 50000

Published: 18 Oct 2022, Receipt by: 16 Sep 2022