Public Sector Network Tender Alert


Lymphoedema and Wound Service - NHS/SOEPS/19.571c - PINCC

The current contract with Pioneer Ltd is due to expire on 31st March 2023. The current contract was awarded by NHS East Sussex and NHS West Sussex CCG's (now NHS Sussex ICB) following the publication of a Prior Information Notice (PIN) as a Call for Competition on NHS/SOEPS/19.571b. The ICB intends to direct award (effectively extending the existing contract) to Pioneer Ltd for both localities. The rationale and evidence to support this decision is contained in the section below. The extension will be for a period of up to 24 months from 1st April 2023 to 31st March 2025. The current provision of lymphoedema and specialist wound care services is fragmented and inequitable, with different specifications and tariff models in place. This results in Sussex patients experiencing varying levels of delivered service, which could result in poor care. The direct award will enable existing services to continue and satisfy ongoing patient needs for these important and complex services whilst concluding a Sussex wide review that will develop and align a Sussex wide specification to deliver service. The stability of the service will also support the wider local healthcare. There is a known national shortage of both wound care and lymphoedema practitioners meaning that any new providers for the East and West Sussex localities would require an adequate mobilisation period to allow for recruitment that would provide assurance to NHS Sussex of robust, skilled and available workforce is in place. There is recognition that this is a specialist and complex service which requires an appropriately skilled workforce. In summary, services will continue whilst the alignment activities conclude. Contract = 3,600,000 per annum x 2 = 7,200,000 (maximum value and contract length) If you wish to express an interest or should you wish to discuss the content of the PIN further, please do this by sending a message via the In-tend e-Tendering portal at in the first instance. The deadline for expressions of interest is 12:00pm (midday) on Thursday 17th November, 2022. If no expressions of interest are received, the Authority intends to enter a contract with the incumbent provider relying upon a Regulation 32 exemption of no response/no requests to participate have been submitted in response to this notice, within 30 days of publication. Please note a portal message is the only accepted method of expressing an interest (correspondence received by an other route will not be responded to).


Stuart Meredith
Sackville House, Brooks Close

Contract value: 7200000

Published: 18 Oct 2022, Receipt by: 17 Nov 2022