Public Sector Network Tender Alert


UKRI-2310 Hub function for the UK Rare Disease Research Platform

This is a Tender to create a 'Hub Function' to coordinate the planned new UK Rare-Disease Research Platform (UK-RDRP). The Hub Function will provide coordination and project management support to a set of around 10 individual Node awards (each award will do networking and 2-3 'enabling science' projects within a specified subset of rare disease research (a 'domain')) as well as providing a broad service to all UK rare disease research interests. The Nodes, Hub and all stakeholders and related interests will collectively form the Platform (the UK-RDRP). The purpose of the Hub and how it links to the Platform and Nodes is outlined within the funding opportunity page for the Node call (see 'Platform Hub' description within the 'Additional Information' section). ( The Nodes themselves will be funded via an open research funding call, which launched in August 2022 with decisions in March 2023 and nodes starting work within 3-6 months of the decision date. The Hub should be in place to assist in the coordinated start-up of the Nodes. Details of the call are available on the UKRI Funding Finder Rare Disease Research Platform Node call page. ( The Platform is co-funded by MRC and NIHR, following MRC processes unless stated otherwise, and is an activity that will support the UK Rare Disease Framework (, in particular the 'pioneering research' theme. The Platform, including the Hub, will be overseen by a Platform Executive Board (including the funders, node directors, stakeholders and independent members). The total Funder cost of the Platform will be 12 million, over five years, and the budget for the Hub function is envisaged to be in 100,000 to 150,000 per year.

North Star Avenue

Contract value: 750000

Published: 18 Oct 2022, Receipt by: 10 Jan 2023