Public Sector Network Tender Alert


NWFRS Translation Services (Welsh/English)

North Wales Fire & Rescue Service are looking for a translation service provider to carry out their translation function, to undertake written translation work including mostly English to Welsh, but also Welsh to English when required. The contract will also include the requirement for a simultaneous translation service to be provided at scheduled Fire Authority Meetings in Welsh to English (these meetings are currently held online but this may revert to in-person in the future). The contract will commence on 1st November 2022 for an initial period of 12 months, with the option to extend for a further 2 years in multiples of 12 months. Further information and documentation is available on the EU Supply / Bluelight E-tendering System at Any questions should be raised via the Messaging section of the Tender, please note that no correspondence will be entered into outside of the system. The closing date for responses is 2pm on Friday 9th September 2022. Mae Gwasanaeth Tn ac Achub Gogledd Cymru yn chwilio am ddarparwr cyfieithu i wneud gwaith drwy gyfrwng y Gymraeg a'r Saesneg yn bennaf ond hefyd o'r Gymraeg i'r Saesneg pan fo'r galw. Mae'r cytundeb hefyd yn cynnwys darparu gwasanaeth cyfieithu ar y pryd o'r Gymraeg i'r Saesneg yng nghyfarfodydd yr Awdurdod Tn (mae'r cyfarfodydd hyn yn cael eu cynnal ar-lein ar hyn o bryd ond gall hyn newid yn l i fod yn gyfarfodydd wyneb yn wyneb yn y dyfodol). Bydd y cytundeb yn dechrau ar 1 Tachwedd 2022 am gyfnod cychwynnol o 12 mis, gyda'r dewis i'w ymestyn am 2 flynedd ymhellach mewn cyfres o 12 mis. Ceir mwy o wybodaeth a dogfennaeth ar System Gyflenwi/E-dendro Bluelight Dylid codi unrhyw gwestiynau drwy Adran Negeseuon y Tendr, nodwch na fydd gohebu y tu allan i'r system. Y dyddiad cau ar gyfer ymatebion yw 2pm ar ddydd Gwener 9 Medi 2022


Kim Richards
Force Headquarters, Glan-y -don, Abergele Road,
Colwyn Bay, North Wales
LL29 8AW

Contract value: 144000

Published: 14 Oct 2022, Receipt by: 9 Sep 2022