Public Sector Network Tender Alert


QU572 - Birmingham Better Mental Health Fund Evaluation

Birmingham City Council (the Council) is seeking for organisations to conduct an evaluation report for our Better Mental Health Fund projects. During the period 2021-2022, the Council received funding from Public Health England (PHE) now known as Office for Health Improvement and Disparities (OHID) to improve the mental health and wellbeing of Birmingham residents by commissioning a portfolio of projects to address the demand for mental health services and tackle inequalities. These projects are varied in terms of their size, target groups and the types of intervention. The Council, as a recipient of this OHID funding, is obligated to submit a local evaluation of the projects that have been commissioned via PHE's Better Mental Health Fund. The evaluation should add to the evidence-base in terms of effective service delivery and inform policy moving forwards, both policy for the Council specifically and as a contribution to policy on a national level. The evaluation should increase understanding of the impact of the Better Mental Health Fund on the mental wellbeing of the Birmingham population. Furthermore, the evaluation should explore the impact of the fund on participants, providers, and provision with the aim of outlining recommendations for the development of future programmes and commissions. Themes of the evaluation are expected to include the impact of the funding on: o Overview of engagement in the projects in data terms (quantitative) o The participants and their experiences, differences made to them and elements of the programme they liked most and why o Providers' views - what worked well and what did not, what they would like to repeat or change etc, has the funding opened created any new opportunities for them or made them think differently to find solutions? o Gaps in provision (from both individuals and providers) o Any specific elements that worked well for different populations/demographics and explanations for this o Sustainability and legacy of projects o Economic evaluation in terms of cost-effectiveness This contract will be for a period of 4 months. The maximum budget to cover all the costs is ?65,000 (exclusive VAT). The Council will be using its free to use e-tendering system (in-tend) for the administration of this procurement process and potential suppliers must register with the system to be able to express an interest. If you wish to express an interest in this opportunity, please click on the following link to access and submit your details to register. You will then be able to log on which will enable you to download all relevant quotation documentation. If you are unable to register with In-tend or have any questions or problems on how to use this web site please either email us at: Your completed tender submission should be returned by noon on 11th November 2022...


Manjit Samrai
10 Woodcock Street
West Midlands
B4 7WB
United Kingdom
0121 303 0349

Contract value:

Published: 14 Oct 2022, Receipt by: 11 Nov 2022