Public Sector Network Tender Alert


Care services and care home redevelopment opportunities in Cornwall

Cornwall Council (the Council) is seeking to appoint a provider(s) to deliver care services and the redevelopment of two care home sites in Cornwall to include: a)The operational management and CQC registration of two existing care homes located in Cornwall, to continue the existing services in the short to medium term and to maximise winter capacity for 2022/23, b)The redevelopment (to include the funding, design, obtaining planning permission and construction) of the two existing care home sites located in Cornwall, to provide two new build nursing care homes (and potentially other accommodation solutions) that are fit for purpose, designed to modern standards and meet the Council's design principles for new build care homes, c)The ongoing operation of the two new build nursing care homes located in Cornwall, and d)Entering into a care contract with the Council for a) the two existing care home sites and b) the new build care homes that complies with the Council's fee methodology and ensures the Council has dedicated access to a percentage of the beds for Local Authority placements. This soft market engagement is an information gathering exercise and it is intended that any responses to this soft market engagement will be used by the Council to develop a business proposal. Any such proposal would be subject to the development and approval of a business case by the Council, and, as such, this exercise implies no commercial commitment and is not a formal tender document. Participation in this soft market engagement will not prejudice providers participating in any future procurement for the requirement in this document. If you are interested in participating in the Council's soft market engagement before the Council issues a contract notice and commences the procurement you are invited to: a)Register on the Council's Due-North system b)Express an interest in the project titled "Care services and the re-development development of two care homes in Cornwall - DN635670" c)Download the soft market engagement document d)Complete the "Information Required" section at the end of soft market engagement document e)Return your completed soft market engagement document via the Due North system by Friday 28th October 2022.


John Ward
County Hall
Treyew Road
United Kingdom
+44 1872326058

Contract value:

Published: 14 Oct 2022, Receipt by: 28 Oct 2022