Public Sector Network Tender Alert


NHS Ambassadors Programme

Health Education England are putting out this notice as a PIN (Prior Information Notice) with a view to completing a Direct Award to Education and Employers The case for direct award can be found on the tender portal. HEE is seeking a provider to support and coordinate all aspects of the NHS Ambassador programme HEE believes it is highly unlikely for any other supplier to be up and running from the start of the project and to provide the following skills which include: - Comprehensive experience of the NHS Ambassadors programme and its resources including the national network of primary and second phase schools. - Extensive knowledge and experience of running the end-to-end process of providing volunteering activities, including a pre-existing national network of primary and secondary phase schools, a network of health ambassadors reflecting the diversity and breadth of roles within the NHS and strong links with national educational stakeholders. - An existing database of volunteering opportunities and access to a network of volunteers across the NHS which reflects the breadth of roles, professions and sectors. - Extensive experience of connecting health volunteers to educational activities reflecting the breadth of curriculum lessons and relevant healthcare professions. - Extensive knowledge and experience of collecting data and demonstrating the impact of volunteering activity against outcome measures and obtaining insights to support the sustainment of the programme. - Extensive knowledge and experience of delivering and facilitating a breadth of health-related careers activities tailored to the requirements of the NHS and education providers. - Comprehensive experience and knowledge of national health ambassadorial programmes, including the required resources, technical guidance and advice. All communications should be made via the messaging function on the Health Family eTendering portal. If any provider has concerns with the commissioning intentions outlined within the published documentation, please raise this via the eTendering Portal in the first instance within 30 days of the date of this Prior Information Notice. The financial envelope for this PIN is 266,004 The closing date of this PIN is midday on 14th November 2022


Jessica Nerlich
Duncombe Street

Contract value: 266004-266004

Published: 14 Oct 2022, Receipt by: 14 Nov 2022