Public Sector Network Tender Alert


Fuel Quote - NLV Pharos

One Hundred and Five Thousand litres (105,000) - Marine Gas Oil - conforming to ISO 8217 DMA with a maximum Sulphur content of 0.1%, To be delivered to the vessel at 0900hrs on Monday 17 October 2022, at Scrabster, KW14 7UJ (Berth to be confirmed). Please note that DMA Marine Gas Oil with FAME content above 0.5% volume, as per ISO 8217, will not be accepted. A Certificate of Quality will be required on the day to verify fuel. The supplier is to provide three 1L samples per tanker, two of which are to be given to the vessel. This paperwork and sampling should be in accordance/compliance with the relevant MARPOL Annex VI stipulations and guidance. NLB representative to witness samples being taken.


Ruth Millan
84 George Street
0131 473 3104

Contract value: 91245

Published: 14 Oct 2022, Receipt by: 14 Oct 2022