Public Sector Network Tender Alert


Limits on Electromagnetic Activities (EMA)

To conduct three Lots of research activity into constrained1 or derived process2 limits on EMA3. Under the EMA Programme, the Electromagnetic Research and Science (ERAS) Project intends to identify fundamental Science and Technology (S&T) to surpass limitations, as to achieve generation after next EMA capabilities specifically associated with electronic attack, electronic defence, and tactical electronic surveillance and also synchronisation and coordination. This requirement looks to pursue three distinct methods for exploring limits, separated into three Lots . Lot 3 will utilise mathematics to identify and/or analyse constrained or derived process limitations on delivering EM effects through challenges posed at an academic workshop. This workshop will be three to five days in duration. A physical-virtual hybrid workshop approach is the preference, though a virtual workshop shall remain an option if required at short notice.

Portsdown West
PO17 6AD

Contract value: 199526

Published: 13 Oct 2022, Receipt by: 4 Aug 2022