Public Sector Network Tender Alert


National Firefighter Selection Tests Prior information notice

**please note that the date of the supplier day has changed from the 9th November 2022 to 7th December 2022 due to industrial action on the rail network** The National Fire Chiefs Council (NFCC) is seeking to appoint an academic research team to evaluate the practical tests within the current National Firefighter Selection Tests and make recommendation on what appropriate tests should be used moving forward. The ITT for this research is expected to go live in January 2023, with the contract commencing during April 2023. To find out more the NFCC, you can access the website - To view previous products produced by the NFCC, these can be found There are 6 mandatory NFSTs: Ladder climb Casualty Evacuation Ladder lift Enclosed Space Equipment Assembly Equipment Carry Research Team Outputs A report outlining consolidated scientific research base, providing context for the research required A report outlining recommendations for updated NFST (National Fitness Selection Tests) practical tests including recommendations for reasonable adjustments where necessary An appropriate training plan to utilised in preparation for the undertaking the updated practical tests Equality Impact Assessment for each individual practical test Guidance document relating to what Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) data should be collected by fire and rescue services in relation to the practical testing of the NFSTs Supplier Day A supplier day is to be held on Wednesday 7th December 2022 from 10.00 until 16.00 at Sheffield Fire and Rescue Training & Development Centre (Beaver Hill Road Handsworth; S13 9QA). This will be an opportunity for potential suppliers to: Observe in person demonstrations of the 6 practical tests that require updating Make introductions with the NFCC Recruitment Project team Ask questions about the project's objectives and outputs Share insights into suggested methodology for achieving the projects objectives Participate in discussions and answer questions from the project team If you would like to attend the supplier day, please complete this short survey by close of play Tuesday 1st November 2022, Joining instructions will be sent out one week prior: Please direct any questions to:


Sam Palmer
Headquarters,99 Vauxhall Road

Contract value:

Published: 22 Sep 2022, Receipt by: 7 Dec 2022