Public Sector Network Tender Alert


Development Consultants Framework

You are invited to submit a response to the a Consultants Framework Panel, details of which are given in the following document and Appendices to it. This Tender is being managed by Beyond Housing on behalf of the Framework Members. Reference to Members in this document shall refer to all Members of the Framework including Beyond Housing Association Limited, Broadacres Housing Association Limited and Northstar Housing Group Limited. This Tender and supporting documentation is designed to ensure that all suppliers are given equal and fair consideration in tendering. This Tender also sets out the tendering conditions. By participating in the tender process, you confirm acceptance of these conditions of tendering. At its discretion, Members may either waive or insist on strict compliance with any requirement set out in this Tender.


David Cooper
4 Gladstone Road
North Yorkshire
YO12 7BH
United Kingdom
01642 771378

Contract value:

Published: 13 Oct 2022, Receipt by: 24 Nov 2022