Public Sector Network Tender Alert


AO Data Collection

Problem statement There is a need to understand how we could manage and share the AO data; and the interoperability of this within Ofqual's existing Data Services team's processes. The requirement To define the process for how we should manage and share the AO data within Ofqual's estate and whether additional tooling and systems are required as part. This will be a Discovery piece focussed on requirements gathering and design where knowledge on the current Ofqual data management and sharing processes will need to be gained and then used to work out how they should look for the new collections; and what level of change this requires. The work package will provide the technical expertise within a team of an Ofqual's in-house data services engineer and a project lead to jointly deliver the required outcomes and deliverables. Outcome Required This project will deliver improved information to make evidence based decisions for how we should proceed to make AO data available to internal and external users and in what format. Other projects - such as replacing legacy technologies - will benefit from this to understand the direction of travel for data management also. This will feed into an outline plan for how we move forward and ensure the data we collect as part of the joint collection has an effective data pipeline and can be appropriately managed. This work package is specifically for the technical design, and so success will be measured through achievement of the following deliverables.


Commercial Department
Earlsdon Park
53-55 Butts Rd
+44 2476716830

Contract value: 25125

Published: 13 May 2021, Receipt by: 1 Jan 2021