Public Sector Network Tender Alert


Care Home Transition Placements - Covid-19 Related

The need for the provision of transition placements is due to the expected impact of the restrictions imposed to deal with the Covid-19 pandemic. This initiative has been agreed by North Lincolnshire Council, North Lincolnshire CCG and NLaG and is to effectively meet the needs of communities at this challenging time.\rThe purpose of the provision of "Transition Placements Covid-19 related" is to support infection control for our most vulnerable residents where a two week quarantine period needs to be completed for people with a suspected/confirmed Covid-19 diagnosis. This would be through step-up where the quarantine and level of care needs exceed what can be supported by normal "through the door" services at home; and on a step-down basis for the transition of people from a hospital setting where quarantine period cannot be completed in the normal home setting.\r\rThis provision will support council's duties under the National Assistance Act 1948 (as amended), the Health Service and Public Health Act 1968 (as amended), the National Health Service and Community Care Act 1990 (as amended) and the Care Act 2014 (as amended). \rThe proposal is to Direct Award a block booking of 7 transition placements, the admission and discharge being determined by the Single Point of Access (SPA) in accordance with the agreed pathway plans and specification.


Procurement Team
Hewson House
Station Road
DN20 8XY
United Kingdom

Contract value: 46000-46000

Published: 6 May 2021, Receipt by: 30 May 2020